Global Educational Support Program

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  • Organizations that are registered as non-profit organizations and have experience in conducting international development cooperation projects in the field of education
  • Organizations whose local branch or partner institution responsible for conducting the project is registered as a local non-profit organization
  • Organizations equipped with basic capacities for project operation and management

    ※ All of the above three conditions must be satisfied.

Project Target

  • Children and adolescents from vulnerable groups in developing countries in Asia and Africa

    ※ Developing Countries in Asia/Africa
    Priority for support will be given to countries (regions) among the OECD's DAC List of ODA Recipients with relatively low income levels and a significant need for educational support

Support Amount and Scope

  • Up to KRW 70 million
  • Direct project expenses (expenses for instructors, learning materials, snacks, transportation expenses, library installation, book purchases, etc.), Operating expenses (on-site monitoring expenses, meeting operating expenses, etc.), Labor expenses (administrative staff expenses)

    ※ Appropriate support is provided according to local prices, project content, and number of students.

How to Apply

  • Online Application

    Visit the Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation website ( ⇢ Sign up ⇢ Log in ⇢ Click “장학신청(Scholarship Application)” at the top of the screen ⇢ Click “글로벌 국외장학사업(Global Scholarship Project)”

Process of Selection